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Complicated Kids with Gabriele Nicolet

Complicated Kids is a podcast about why raising kids can feel so hard sometimes. We’ll talk about quirky kids, highly sensitive kids, Orchid Kids, disabilities, disorders and therapies. But we’ll also talk about general child development, parenting tips, and how to understand the child you brought home with you and agreed to house, clothe, feed and raise until their adulthood (What were you THINKING?!)

Parenting is an adventure anyway. If you’ve got complicated kids, it can feel like an extreme sport. Join me to unpack all of it, figure out who needs what, and help your family thrive.

Gabriele Nicolet is a Toddler Whisperer, Parent Coach and Speech Therapist. – She is the co-founder of Raising Orchid Kids – an online, global parent education and coaching practice, as well as the owner of SpeechKids – a private speech therapy practice in the DC metro area. Gabriele has a hard time eating out in restaurants if children are present because she always wants to play. She is passionate about all things child development, and particularly fascinated by the ways in which common parenting practices affect highly sensitive (Orchid) kids and how to tweak them so that everyone can stay calm and become their best Selves.

Oct 29, 2024

In this week’s Complicated Kids Podcast I am joined by Dr. Emily King with some deep insights for parents, teachers, and therapists on supporting neurodivergent kids. Dr. King is a child psychologist specializing in neurodivergent kids and teens. We tackle key challenges, like modifying the definition of success,...

Oct 22, 2024

Veronica Alkon knew that early intervention was working for her son. But she also knew that if she could get "underneath" his neurological differences, that therapy would go more smoothly. Join me and Veronica to talk about her experience with Musgatova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Method and how she now...

Oct 15, 2024

In this episode of The Complicated Kids Podcast, I sit down with Caroline Turner, a social worker passionate about supporting children with autism, to talk about Quirky Buds.


Turner's project, Quirky Buds, is a platform that she created to help neurodiverse individuals find friends based on shared interests....

Oct 8, 2024

Christi Hay, a pediatrician in private practice, joins me on the podcast today to share tips for how parents can partner with their pediatrician -- even when they don't have a lot of time. We also talk about brains, talking to kids about their brains, how to celebrate brain-based differences and see the person in...

Oct 1, 2024

Sarice Holley stopped by to chat about how to get kids to make healthier food choices. Hint: it involves adults providing fruits and veggies instead of snack bags and treats. And, it also involves allowing children to be the boss of their own meals through simple strategies.


To learn more about Sarice, visit her...