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Complicated Kids with Gabriele Nicolet

Complicated Kids is a podcast about why raising kids can feel so hard sometimes. We’ll talk about quirky kids, highly sensitive kids, Orchid Kids, disabilities, disorders and therapies. But we’ll also talk about general child development, parenting tips, and how to understand the child you brought home with you and agreed to house, clothe, feed and raise until their adulthood (What were you THINKING?!)

Parenting is an adventure anyway. If you’ve got complicated kids, it can feel like an extreme sport. Join me to unpack all of it, figure out who needs what, and help your family thrive.

Gabriele Nicolet is a Toddler Whisperer, Parent Coach and Speech Therapist. – She is the co-founder of Raising Orchid Kids – an online, global parent education and coaching practice, as well as the owner of SpeechKids – a private speech therapy practice in the DC metro area. Gabriele has a hard time eating out in restaurants if children are present because she always wants to play. She is passionate about all things child development, and particularly fascinated by the ways in which common parenting practices affect highly sensitive (Orchid) kids and how to tweak them so that everyone can stay calm and become their best Selves.

Apr 11, 2023

In this video I get to talk with trained therapist and child development and parent expert, Claire Lerner. Clair has been helping parents dissect their child’s behavior with her expertise since the late 80’s and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to dealing with your kids. We talk about how she helps parents to better understand the issues that they may face and that are unique to each child. She helps parents by assisting them in understanding why they are acting the way that they are. Not only does it have to do with their environment, but the context of the situation. We often don’t give enough credit to the little things and how they are able to make our children feel the way that they do.